IT Band PAIN - 3 Keys to Physical Therapy Treatment
To go along with today's episode I have a nice infographic to share...
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In today's video we go over IT Band PAIN - 3 Keys to Physical Therapy Treatment: FPF Show Episode 146
- 0:00 Introduction
- 1:08 How common is IT Band Pain?
- 1:27 What population is IT Band Pain most common in?
- 4:15 What is the relevant anatomy for IT Band Pain?
- 5:10 What is the function of the IT Band?
- 7:09 What functional activities load the IT Band most?
- 9:35 Does the IT Band "Snap" over the lateral femoral condyle?
- 14:06 Does hip weakness cause IT Band Pain?
- 19:24 Should you foam roll and stretch the IT Band?
- 21:02 Is IT Band stiffness bad? Does the IT Band get looser after rehab?
- 25:40 The importance of taking a solid inventory (Subjective exam) in patients
- 28:01 Why we want to MODIFY training (running) before REMOVING and how to do it
- 28:47 Gait retraining (mirrors, cadence visual feedback)
- 37:25 Phase treatment approach: Phase 1 - Calm down the angry tissue
- 40:01 Phase treatment approach: Phase 2 - Building patients back up
- 47:44 Phase treatment approach: Phase 3 - Return to running phase
- 55:52 Additional treatments: Orthotics, Shockwave, Cortisone, Surgery
Super stiff IT bands!
Show Notes / Relevant Articles:
- FPF Mini Course - 7 Reasons Why Injuries Happen in the Gym and What to do About it
- IT Band Pain - Evidence Based Guide [For Physical Therapists]
- What Physical Therapists Need to Know [Patellofemoral Pain]
- PATELLAR Tendinopathy Evidence Based Guide [What Physical Therapists Need to Know]
- My Favorite Single Leg Exercise Modifications for Knee Pain [Lunges, Step-ups, Single Leg Squats]
- Great Quad Exercises for Painful Knees
- Heel Tap Variations for Knee Pain and Quad Strength
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