Career Advice for New Physical Therapy School Graduates | Ask FPF E:31

By dpope2020

June 16, 2023

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Career Advice for New Physical Therapy School Graduates | Ask FPF E:31

In today's episode we go over Career Advice for New Physical Therapy School Graduates | Ask FPF E:31

Welcome physical therapists!

Congratulations on conquering the grueling journey of physical therapy school! You've put in countless hours of hard work, endured sleepless nights, and pushed through those demanding clinical rotations. Now, you stand at the precipice of an exciting new chapter in your life – the real world of physical therapy.

But hold on tight, because the adventure is just beginning. As you step into the professional arena, you'll face new challenges, unfamiliar hurdles, and a vast sea of possibilities. That's where we come in to lend you a helping hand, a guiding light amidst the uncertainty.

Welcome to, where we empower passionate physical therapists like you to thrive in their careers and make a meaningful impact on the lives of their patients. In this video, we've gathered a wealth of valuable career advice, specifically tailored to new graduates like yourself.

We understand the unique position you're in. You've spent years building a strong foundation of knowledge, honing your skills, and developing a deep understanding of the human body. Now it's time to take that knowledge and transform it into practical success.

A huge part of our mission at FPF is to equip you with the tools, insights, and strategies you need to not only survive but truly thrive as a new graduate in the field of physical therapy.  Your journey as a physical therapist is a marathon, not a sprint, and we want to ensure you have the knowledge and tools to sustain your passion and enthusiasm for years to come. 

So, strap on your seatbelts and get ready for an exhilarating ride.  In today's video I answer several hot questions from a recent graduate from physical therapy school starting her first job.

Check the video below to see what I'm talking about:

The newest, bestest new grad,


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