Evidence Based Guide to Tennis Elbow | Lateral Epicondylalgia, Epicondylitis, Tendinitis, Tendinopathy: FPF Show Episode 33
In today's episode we go over an Evidence Based Guide to Tennis Elbow | Lateral Epicondylalgia, Epicondylitis, Tendinitis, Tendinopathy.
- 0:00 Intro
- 1:43 What is the prevalence of tennis elbow? (lateral epicondylalgia)
- 2:41 The expensive societal impact of tennis elbow
- 3:50 Tennis elbow defined - What is Tennis Elbow?
- 4:16 Is tennis elbow an inflammatory issue or more of a tendinopathy?
- 5:15 Tennis elbow etiology - What causes pain?
- 5:34 What is the most common tendon involved in tennis elbow?
- 5:55 Tennis elbow natural history - Does tennis elbow go away with time?
- 8:56 What is the mechanism of injury for tennis elbow?
- 10:20 Clinical evaluation of tennis elbow - Subjective
- 11:31 Clinical evaluation of tennis elbow - Objective
- 13:21 Clinical evaluation of tennis elbow - Special tests
- 17:00 Differential diagnosis for tennis elbow
- 18:01 What is the best treatment for tennis elbow?
- 19:09 What is the best type of exercise and strengthening for tennis elbow?
- 22:56 What the optimal duration of physical therapy treatment for tennis elbow?
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