CrossFit and injury has been a hot topic from the very beginning. Ever since we saw that first kipping pull-up from the 1st CrossFit Games it opened a few eyes and got people thinking this may be dangerous. Since then there has been a raging argument from both sides of the discussion. In today's episode I got Dr. Sean Rockett on the show. He's the head orthopedic surgeon for CF HQ since 2012 and someone I really trust when it comes to shoulder health.
Given he's a regular practitioner of CrossFit and treats similar folks on a regular basis I felt he'd be a good person to interview to get some solid insight. A few topics we went over:
- What are the most common shoulder issues you see?
- What are the most common surgeries?
- What's causing the problem?
- What movements are causing problems?
- Is there a difference between competitive athletes and recreational athletes?
- How can we prevent future injury?
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Show Notes / Relevant Articles:
- Can You Predict Who Will Get Hurt in CrossFit?
- The Ultimate Guide to Getting Out of Shoulder Pain and Back to Training in the Gym
- Complete Guide to Rotator Cuff Tears, Tendinopathy and Subacromial Impingement Syndrome
- Is CrossFit Causing Shoulder Injuries?
- How Common Are Injuries in Olympic Weightlifting, Strongman, CrossFit and Recreational Fitness
- Wagener S, Hoppe MW, Hotfiel T, et al. CrossFit® – Development, Benefits and Risks [CrossFit® – Entwicklung, Nutzen und Risiken]. Sportorthopa¨die-Sporttraumatologie. 2020;36(3):241-249. doi:10.1016/j.orthtr.2020.07.001
- Klimek C, Ashbeck C, Brook AJ, Durall C. Are Injuries More Common With CrossFit Training Than Other Forms of Exercise? J Sport Rehabil. 2018 May 1;27(3):295-299. doi: 10.1123/jsr.2016-0040. Epub 2018 May 22. PMID: 28253059.
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That's it!