It’s time for another episode of STRONGER TV!
In this episode we go even more in depth with auto-regulation, this time bringing in one of my favorite training tools, the training journal.
In the last episode we talked about how stress in your life can effect our recovery. If your recovery is poor, we want some way of modifying training for the day.
Here’s the problem, how can we actually track our recovery to figure out when to modify? One of my favorite ways of doing this is by using a training journal to track several important factors. With these factors tracked we can figure out how to modify training for the day.
In today’s episode we go over:
- Practical ways to modify training based on current nutrition
- Modifying training based on sleep quantity and quality
- Tracking positive and negative stressors and how training should be altered as a result
- Using a readiness scale to track preparedness to train
- Calculating acute to chronic workload ratios to see if your training dosage is on point
Check it out below:
That’s it! Hopefully now you have even more extra information to help you auto-regulate during training to boost performance and reduce injury risk.
If you enjoyed today’s episode and want to support us and learn more please head over to our youtube page and hit the “thumbs up” and “subscribe” button to give us a follow. We’ll see you on the next episode!
Acute to Chronic Banana Ratio is 7 today,