In order to understand how injuries in our shoulder occur, we first have to understand the anatomy. Once we get the anatomy down we can start to understand the injury mechanisms. In this quick 5 minute video I go over the relevant anatomy of the shoulder joint as it relates to common injuries like impingement, rotator cuff issues and labral tears. Check it out below:
Want to learn more about shoulder impingement and rotator cuff injuries as well as how to rehabilitate back from them? This short video is part of a larger and much more comprehensive educational course and rehabilitation training program on rehabilitation from shoulder injury called “Ultimate Shoulder.”
“Ultimate Shoulder” is a 12 week training program to help you fully understand and rehabilitate back from shoulder injuries:
- 12 week training program to get out of pain and back to bench press, olympic lifts, handstand pushups, dips, muscle-ups and overhead press
- How to deal with rotator cuff injuries, labral tears and AC joint problems
- How shoulders get hurt in the gym and how to prevent future injury
- How to assess and correct technical and mobility problems in the olympic lifts, muscle-ups and handstands
- 6.5+ hours of educational webinar footage
- 100+ rehabilitation, mobility and strength exercise videos
- 50+ pages of PDF companion content
“Ultimate Shoulder” is now on sale this week only for $29.99 Click HERE to Learn More
Shoulder Pandemonium,
Dan Pope DPT, OCS, CSCS, CF L1