Things I Read and So Should You

By djpope

March 8, 2017

This week’s Things I read and So Should You comes from Dave Durante, Kieran O’Sullivan and Ben Kibler.

Insider’s Updates

This month’s Insiders webinar is a thorough step by step process of how I assess overhead mobility.  I’ve written a lot in the past about overhead mobility.  It makes up a huge part of my treatment for both treatment, prevention and performance.  This will be part of an in depth 3 part webinar series of how I assess and treat overhead mobility restrictions from A to Z.

  • Understand why overhead mobility is important
  • How limited mobility creates subpar performance and how mobility restrictions can potentially lead to injury
  • Which joints and muscles are involved with overhead mobility restrictions
  • How to individually assess each area

To access this webinar:

7 Habits to Manage Lower Back Pain

Kieran O’Sullivan – British Journal of Sports Medicine Podcast

I’m a big fan of the BJSM podcast.  Kieran O’Sullivan does a great job providing keys to dealing with low back pain.

3 Common Handstand Mistakes and Corrections

David Durante –

Dave Durante is a 6 time team USA gymnast and olympic alternate.  He knows a thing or 2 about handstands.  Check it out.

Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About the Scapula

Ben Kibler et al. –

This is an article I cite all of the time from back in 2013.  It’s a consensus of a yearly “summit” where the smartest minds in shoulder blade research world meet to talk about what we know and don’t know about the scapula and how it affects shoulder pain.  Great reading.

Get your learn on,

Dan Pope DPT, OCS, CSCS, CF L1