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A Comprehensive Educational Resource for the Fitness and Rehabilitation Professional
Do You Want To Improve Your Skills in These Populations?
Olympic Weightlifters or People in the Sport of Fitness?

Power Lifters or Those That Enjoy Training Hard in the Gym?

FPF Insiders Can Help Take You To The Next Level
Think "Netflix" but for Physical Therapists
A good coach requires a lot of things. They must know how to assess for mobility limitations, how to modify for athletes in pain, and how to prevent injuries in their athletes all while getting their clients towards their goals. This is no small task. I'll supply you with the tools to help set you apart from the competition.
As a therapist, I know there is a real lack of relevant information out there when working with people who enjoy Olympic weightlifting, bodybuilding, powerlifting, and fitness. It's challenging to find evidence-based yet practical rehabilitation tips. This is exactly what I do on a daily basis and what I plan on sharing with you.
What's includeD?
I'm continually adding new courses, webinars, guides, cheat sheets and handouts on fitness and rehabilitation. Includes exclusive "members only" content as well as older free content organized to improve your learning experience.
Once you're on the inside of the program the first set of webinars is an entire educational course outlining the principles behind working with painful athletes. I call it the "essential coaches series" and it represents all of the most important foundational learning to go through before consuming the rest of the content. Now eligible for 4.75 CEUs for physical therapists and physical therapy assistants.
I've also got an entire section on optimizing mobility for your favorite lifts. There's a master guide to assessing mobility for these lifts along with my favorite mobilizations and some sample programs to see exactly how I like to create these programs. Never get stumped again when an athlete can't get into the positions they need for performance.
As a coach, you're definitely going to need to know what good and bad techniques look like. This is as important for improving performance as it is for rehabilitating from injury and staying pain-free for the long haul. Just like with the mobility section I've covered all of the most important movements. I've also included some of my favorite accessory exercises to improve these movements.
Both fitness and rehab professionals NEED to know how to modify movements when athletes are in pain.
You’re provided with entire sections devoted to the most injured areas of the body in the gym. There are specific sections for shoulder, knee, low back, hip and wrist pain. If you have a specific weakness when dealing with athletes with any of these issues then you can shore up these holes with some of the webinars or ebooks provided in the Insiders program

"'Insiders' was extremely helpful for me because it taught me all of the things I needed to know, that I didn't learn in physical therapy school to work with people in the fitness world."
Trey Martin - Physical Therapist and Powerlifter

"As a therapist and coach, I felt like I had a great deal of knowledge on both ends of the spectrum but not how to combine the two. Insiders was great to help me learn how to link these worlds."
Lyanne Colon - Physical Therapist and CrossFit Coach

"Dan is consistently my "go-to guy" for info about injuries in the gym. Insiders give me the insight and confidence I need to know I'm best at helping athletes in pain and not doing anything I shouldn't be."
Jason Leydon - Head Coach CrossFit Milford
Check Out What's "Inside"
Insiders is NOT a hodge podge of webinars. It's actually a continually updated course to enhance your physical therapy and coaching practice. You can pick and choose whatever topic you'd like to learn more about or I'll walk you through the most important concepts from A to Z...

Part 1: Essential Coaches Series - Now Eligible for 4.5 PT and PTA CEUs!!
- 7 Reasons Why Injuries Happen and What to do About It
- Essential Pain Education for Coaches and Clinicians
- 4 Simple Steps for Developing Effective Rehab Programs
- How to Create Injury Prevention Plans that Actually Work
Part 2: Optimizing Mobility for Performance & Prevention
- Your master guide to mobility, Olympic lifts, and muscle-ups
- Front Rack Mobility Program
- Squat Mobility Program
- Overhead Mobility Program
- Deadlift Mobility Guide and Program
- The Ultimate Front Rack Mobility Guide (e-book)
- Mobility Sneak Peek
Part 3: Exercise Technique, Key Points & Accessory Exercises
- Back Squat
- Deadlift
- Bench Press
- Handstand Push-Up
- Kipping Pull-Up
- Muscle-Up
- Snatch
- Clean and Jerk
- Technique Sneak Peek
Part 4: Exercise Modifications for Pain
- Squat
- Deadlift
- Bench Press
- Clean and Snatch
- Jerk and Overhead Press
- Pull-Up
- Modification Sneak Peek
Part 5: Joint Specific Rehab & Performance
- Shoulder Rehab and Performance
- Wrist Rehab and Performance
- Knee Rehab and Performance
- Hip Rehab and performance
- Lower Back Rehab and Performance
- Joint Rehab Sneak Peek
MASTER Courses:

It feels like research is coming out at a mile a minute and best practices are changing all over the time. As a seasoned clinician it's vital to stay on top of the most up to date evidence based treatments. Trouble is you're busy trying to do a good job with your patients. You don't have time to peruse through every research paper that comes out. Over time you're not sure if you're even giving your patients the right information and treatments.
Nothing is worse then second guessing your treatment for patients...
That's where I come in. My job is to stay on top of the evidence and communicate best practices in a simple way. Plus I've got 20 years of experience working as a coach and clinician. I'll give you the best evidence based treatments and show you exactly how I implement them with my patients every day of the week.
We'll cover everything you need to know:
- Prevalence & Prognosis
- Relevant Risk Factors
- Diagnosis & Differential Diagnosis
- Exact Rehab Protocol I use with patients
- Patient Education & Exercise Prescription
- Advanced Rehab
- Warm-ups for Pain
- Post-op Rehab
- Modifications for Gym Lifts
- Anatomy, History, Clinical Presentation
- Manual Therapy [Evidence Based]
- Case Studies [Non-op and Post-op]
Sneak Peek:
Evidence Based Guide to Cervical Radiculopathy
How Training Volume Influences Risk of Injury
CEU Information:
Insiders contains a course that is approved for physical therapy and physical therapy assistant CEUs. Currently you when you complete the course, "Essential Coach's Series" you'll be approved for 4.75 physical therapy and physical therapy assistant CEUs. I plan on regularly adding more courses with CEUs over time!
You can check the map above or Click HERE to see if your state is eligible. If your state is not included you can often still apply for CEUs. Click HERE for more information on how to apply if your state is not listed.
About the Course Instructor
Dan is a Doctor of Physical Therapy and board certified orthopedic clinical specialist. He has an enormous passion for fitness, rehabilitation and optimizing human performance. Not only does Dan treat athletes on a regular basis but he's been coaching and training athletes for the past 19 years as well.
Dan is an accomplished athlete having competed as a NCAA Division 1 pole vaulter at Rutgers. He won a national championship in the sport of strongman and competed at the CrossFit regionals twice.
Dan works with all people ranging from the beginner up to the professional and CrossFit games level athlete. As founder and CEO of Fitness Pain Free, he helps fitness enthusiasts of all levels get out of pain and back to the training they love.
Before Insiders:
After Insiders:
Insiders is by far the best value of any program on my site. It's just $1.00/week trial. You can't even buy a cup of coffee for that price!
Instant access just $1 for the first week.
Afterward, the price goes up to $25 per month.
We're also offering 2 months free when you sign up for an entire year.
Once you sign up you'll be billed until you decide to cancel. You may cancel at any time. This program is a recurring subscription.

At Fitness Pain Free we pride ourselves on making sure our educational courses are the highest possible quality.
If you are not 100% satisfied with your purchase, just send us an email within 7 days of purchase and we will refund your entire order.
This course is 100% online through a platform called Kajabi. There is no physical DVD. The course can be accessed via any phone, tablet, or computer.
Unfortunately, due to the complexity and number of governing organizations, this course is not currently approved for CEU's. We are hoping to get courses approved in the future!
How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course (pending you are not sharing free access to friends!) for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.
Definitely not! Dan uses highly scientific information but works hard to explain complex things in a simple language. This is in an effort to help everyone understand, and also to help transfer the ideas to the gym the next day.
Insiders is $1.00 for one week of access and then billed at $25 per month. You can also sign up for $250 for the year.