You Should Foam Roll Your Thoracic Spine Properly

By djpope

June 19, 2016

extension, flexibility, foam roller, foam rolling, mobility, T-spine, Thoracic spine

So I guess why I’m revisiting this topic is because I continue to see people who foam roll their thoracic spine incorrectly.  It’s such a powerful movement when done properly so I don’t want to ignore it.  I think most people realize that when they foam roll their thoracic spine for extension they shouldn’t just roll up and down their upper back.  We’re trying to specifically target extension in the thoracic spine.  So we ideally want to stay in one place and extend over the roller.

Another important aspect of thoracic spine foam rolling is keeping your ribs down throughout the movement.  This will ensure that you’re actually mobilizing the thoracic spine right underneath of the roller and not mobilizing your lumbar spine.  Chances are that if you get excessive lumbar extension during foam rolling then you’re also getting lumbar spine extension during other motions in the gym.  Better clean up that thoracic spine foam rolling.

Want to learn more about how to assess the thoracic spine and to find other great exercises to mobilize it?  Check out Dr. Dave Tilley and my product:

Monkey Method – Movement Essentials

The Ultimate Guide to Understanding and Fixing Technical Flaws in the Handstand, Muscle-up and Olympic Lifts

Nothing better then beating a dead horse with a foam roller,

Daniel Pope DPT, CSCS