Dr. Dave Tilley and I have worked with a boatload of olympic lifters, powerlifters, gymnasts, bodybuilders and fitness athletes with painful shoulders. It’s probably the most common injury we see. Over the years we’ve also had these same painful shoulders get back to full force and stay healthy when training at their maximum potential.
Dave and I wanted to share some of these trade secrets to help others stay safe when training full force. That’s why we created a weekly checklist of exercises that we use with our athletes in order to keep their shoulders in tip top shape throughout their training. We put everything in a nice PDF download and we’re sharing it with you today.
4 Step Checklist for Battle Ready Shoulders
Your Step-by-Step Guide to Building Shoulders that Will Endure and Perform Through Any Workout
Get the checklist by signing up with the form below. Dave and I are also releasing an entire online program outlining how we rehab athletes out of shoulder pain and back to training full force (Peak Shoulder Performance). It will be released October 10th 2017 and you’ll also receive a discount for the program by signing up below.
Get the download and get to training,
Daniel Pope DPT, OCS, CSCS, CF L1