I hope everyone is staying safe in these tough times. If you're anything like me your whole world is being flipped upside down right now due to COVID 19.  I know a message from me isn't much but hang in there I know we'll get through this and we'll be better on the other side.

I wanted to help out the fitness and rehab community because I know this is a tough time for most.  Gyms are all shut down and rehab facilities are following suit.

Work is grinding to a halt and anxiety is at an all-time high.  Finances are tight and when the income will start coming back in again is unknown.  I'm also guessing you may have some extra time on your hands if you're on lockdown.  This is a nice time to finally sit down and do some continuing education.  

For all of the aforementioned reasons I'm currently giving my "Insiders" rehabilitation and performance library away for FREE for 1 month.

Giving you free access to "Insiders" feels like 1 small thing I can do to help out.  I figure it's the least I can do to help out with all of the turmoil around the world. 


Online Performance and

Rehabilitation Library

Need help getting your athletes out of pain and back to training?

  • Continuing education for coaches and therapists is often expensive
  • It usually is not catered toward getting athletes back to high level fitness
  • Coaches, trainers and therapists are left without knowing how to "bridge the gap" between rehabilitation and high level performance

The Idea of "Bridging the Gap" Between Therapy and Performance is Increasingly Popular

Rehab professionals are treating more people in the fitness population and starting to realize the importance of strengthening and conditioning as it applies to our patients.  Fitness professionals are beginning to realize the importance of being able to help athletes return to sport after an injury. The literature is illuminating the importance of proper programming, strengthening and progressive exercise to return our athletes back to training and to keep them safe and performing at a high level.

For the coach, once your athlete is “cleared” by the doctor to return to activities how do we ramp them back up?  Once they’re back to training, how do we keep them safe?

For the therapist, how do we get past “phase 1” rehabilitation. What’s phase 2, 3 and 4? What are the exact mechanisms of injury for the pain problems we encounter and how can we avoid these in the future so these athletes don’t keep coming back? 

How can we get these athletes the last 10% better so they can finally be happy and training again?

Athletes are constantly frustrated by their lack of ability to get back to what it is they love. There is an absense of knowledgeable coaches and therapists to help these athletes. Often times athletes stay in pain much longer then they should or worse yet they give up on what they love because of a lack of sound therapy and coaching principles.

Trouble is, there aren’t many resources out there for therapists and coaches to learn how to actually do this. Podcasts give us a small taste of how therapists practice. Medical literature also gives us some ideas. Blogs help people share their thoughts to a small degree. Forums are even worse. Every time I check some of these online injury forums I honestly just cringe at the terrible advice.

What’s missing is the actual practical implementation! What exactly does a rehab program look like? What exercises are best? How do we create systems for our athletes to return and stay safe? Where can I find a program to do this?!

Fitness Pain Free Insiders Online Fitness and Rehabilitation Library is THE Resource for Learning How to do This

What Does the Fitness Pain Free Online Performance and Rehabilitation Library Include?

  • Monthly webinars on the topics of fitness and rehabilitation (20-60 minutes in duration)
  • Advanced rehabilitation strategies to get back to the movements you love (olympic lifts, power lifts, muscle-ups, handstands)
  • Exclusive access to private Facebook group to ask questions and engage in conversation about the webinars
  • 24 / 7 Online access from anywhere that has an internet connection
  • Learn on desktop, laptop, tablet or phone
  • Exclusive member's only content

What Content is Covered?

"Insiders" is not just a hodge podge of webinars.  It's a comprehensive educational resource and tool kit for the fitness and rehab professional.  

Think "Netflix" but for fitness and rehabilitation professionals

Once you're on the inside the of the program the first set of webinars is an entire educational course outlining the principles behind working with painful athletes.  I call it the "essential coaches series" and it represents all of the most important foundational learning to go through before consuming the rest of the content.

Optimizing Mobility for Performance and Prevention

I've also got an entire section on optimizing mobility for your favorite lifts.  There's a master guide to assessing mobility for these lifts along with my favorite mobilizations and some sample programs to see exactly how I like to create these programs.  Never get stumped again when an athlete can't get into the positions they need for performance.  Check out sample programs included below and the video to get a sneak peak of what's included:

Exercise Technique and Accessory Exercises

As a coach you're definitely going to need to know what good and bad technique looks like.  This is as important for improving performance as it is for rehabilitating from injury and staying pain free for the long haul.  Just like with the mobility section I've covered all of the most important movements.  I've also included some of my favorite accessory exercises to improve these movements.  Check out the movements I've included below and the video to get a sneak peak of what's included:

Exercise Modifications for Pain

Both fitness and rehab professionals NEED to know how to modify movements when athletes are in pain.  If these modifications aren't made there is a good chance pain will stick around and even get worse.  Nothing is worse then not being able to help an athlete perform the movements they love.  I can help you learn how to BOTH allow athletes to continue training safely and keep working towards their fitness goals.  It's a win win.  Check out the video and list below to see all the movements I can help you modify and see the principle cheat sheets included to make your life easier:

Joint Specific Rehab and Performance

I've built out entire sections devoted towards the most injured areas of the body in the gym.  You'll find specific sections for shoulder, knee, low back, hip and wrist pain.  If you have a specific weakness when dealing with athletes with any of these issues then you can sure up these holes by checking out some of the webinars and e-books in this section:


Rehab and


Preparing the Shoulder for the Olympic Lifts

Understanding Shoulder Impingement, Rotator Cuff and Labral Pathology

Take a peak at one of the webinars...

How Shoulder Impingement and Rotator Cuff Tears Occur


Rehab and


Your Guide to Understanding and Treating Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome

How to Get Out of Knee Pain and Back to Squatting and Lifting

Low Back

Rehab and


6 Week Low Back Strength and Health Program

The Ultimate Guide to Getting Out of Low Back Pain and Back to Squatting, Deadlifting and Olympic Lifts (E-book)

Who is This Program For?

Fitness Professionals

A good coach requires a lot of things. They must know how to assess for mobility limitations, how to modify for athletes in pain and how to prevent injuries in their athletes all while getting their clients towards their goals. This is no small task. I'll supply you with the tools to help set you apart from the competition.

Rehab Professionals

As a therapist I know there is a real lack of relevant information out there when working with people who enjoy olympic weightlifting, bodybuilding, powerlifting and fitness. It's challenging to find evidence based yet practical rehabilitation tips. This is exactly what I do on a daily basis and what I plan on sharing for you.​

So What's The Cost?

COVID 19 Relief: I wanted to help out the fitness and rehab community because I know this is a tough time for most.  Gyms are all shut down and rehab facilities are following suit.

Work is grinding to a halt and anxiety is at an all-time high.  Finances are tight and when the income will start coming back in again is unknown.  I'm also guessing you may have some extra time on your hands if you're on lockdown.  This is a nice time to finally sit down and do some continuing education.  

For all of the aforementioned reasons I'm currently giving my "Insiders" rehabilitation and performance library away for FREE for 1 month.

Giving you free access to "Insiders" feels like 1 small thing I can do to help out.  I figure it's the least I can do to help out with all of the turmoil around the world. 

Keep in mind that this program is a recurring subscription and payment will start after the first month.  There's no risk though, you can cancel at any time.  Plus, it's already the absolute best value of any product I offer at fitness pain free anyway, so I really doubt you'll be disappointed.  Get started by clicking the button below!

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