Smart and progressive box programming designed to improve your olympic lifts, gymnastic skills and metabolic conditioning... 

"Before starting Dan's program my lifts were stale and I was dealing with off and on hip pain keeping me from progressing. Since starting this program I've been able to add 45lbs to my max snatch (195 --> 240lbs).  

Best yet my hip feels great and with Dan's additional warm-up, mobility and accessory work I'm not worried about it flairing up again. I've honestly never gotten better results in my life since I started following this programming"

- Caleb Freeman

Caleb hammering a snatch PR...

"As a coach and a gym owner, it is incredibly time consuming and stressful to write programming and plan for classes.  

Now that I use Dan's programming I can now focus more on coaching clients and building relationships.

I'm also confident that at the end of the day, my clients get a good workout that promotes all aspects of fitness along with longevity."

- Sanpit Teekasub

Coach - Ari CrossFit, Bangkok Thailand

"Our gym isn't exactly a typical box. We tend to have a bit of an older crowd with multiple members over the age of 70.  For my members health and wellbeing is a priority.  We needed a program that fits the needs of our members, not just the needs of 20 year olds.

Dan's programming has been a perfect fit for our members and has allowed us to provide a program appropriate for our clientele. All of our athletes have improved so much under his programming. Thank you!"

- Kathy

Head Coach - Crossfit Arduous, Boise Idaho

"After a long journey of pain, I didn't know if I'd ever be able to return to training the way I could in the past.  I had gotten to the point that I couldn't even perform a pushup due to shoulder pain and actually underwent a cervical fusion surgery because of it.

 After physical therapy was finished Dan's program was my gateway back to training.  As a 42 year old with a laundry list of injuries and a having recovered from this last surgery I was timid to get back to training.  

I guess I shouldn't have been because ever since starting the program I have hit new PRs in the dead lift (400 lbs), clean and jerk (220 lbs), back squat (385 lbs) and still feel great.  None of this would have been possible without Dan's dedication to results oriented program development."

- Scotty P.

  • Crush new PRs in the olympic lifts
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    Master muscle-ups, handstands and handstand push-ups
  • Build a huge engine to dominate met-cons
  • Eliminate the headache of programming for yourself or your box
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    Have peace of mind knowing you've got an expert designing safe and effective programming 

So What Do You Get?

  • 6 day per week training program 
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    Periodized across 12 months
  • Warm-ups and mobility specific to each day
  • Strength work for the power / olympic lifts 
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    Gymnastics skill and strength work
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    Daily met-con
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    Sessions last 60-75 minutes long
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    Accessory work for performance and injury prevention  

What sets us apart from others?

  • Preparation - Large emphasis on technique and building time in positions most important for performance 
  • Weekly, monthly and yearly periodization - Programming varies across the year to keep you progressing in the gym 
  • Dumbbell, kettlebell and unilateral work - Accessory work to keep your joints and muscles healthy and resilient
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    Movement Variation - Exercise variation to keep you healthy and keep workouts exciting

A completely comprehensive training program with everything laid out for you:

So who am I and why should you listen to me?

Hi I'm Dan Pope,

​I have a doctorate in physical therapy, am an orthopedic clinical specialist and a certified strength and conditioning specialist.

I also have over 15 years of experience as a personal trainer and coach.

I've competed as a Division 1 athlete at Rutgers University as a pole-vaulter, won a state and national championship in the sport of strongman and have competed twice at the crossfit regionals.

I travel and speak internationally on the topics of rehabilitation and injury prevention.

I've worked with athletes from all levels ranging from your average Joe and Jane up to the professional, olympic and crossfit games level athlete.  

Most importantly, helping others with training and rehabilitation is what I've devoted my life toward.  It is absolutely my passion.  That's why I feel strongly that I'll be able to help you!

This unique blend of rehabilitation, coaching and training experience gives me a special ability to help people reach their fitness goals without wrecking their bodies in the process.

So Who is this Program For?

  • Box owners - Using this as programming for their gym 
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    Individuals - Those that want a comprehensive training program
  • You have basic weight training experience 
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    You have access to a local weight training gym to perform the program in
  • You want a program designed with equal emphasis toward long term health AND results
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    You're looking to get stronger then an ox, move like a ninja and build the engine of an olympian

So Who is this Program NOT For?

  • You don't have access to a local gym to perform the training program
  • You don't want to work hard in the gym to see results
  • You think training is stupid and want to get out of the gym the second you feel discomfort
  • You have very little weight training experience 
  • You have a current injury and haven't been cleared by your doctor to start training yet

What's the Cost?

FPF Fitness Training Program is currently on sale now for 20% OFF it's normal price.  Pick up your program today for $23.99



The Fitness Pain Free Fitness Training Program is 12 months long.  You'll be billed $29.99 monthly over the course of 12 months.  Every 30 days you'll get access to a new training program.   Cancel at any time to stop payments.  


You are fully protected by our 100% Satisfaction-Guarantee.

If, for any reason, you don't like this amazing program, you can get a full refund anytime within 30 days after your purchase. 

Maybe too much fitness? nah...

Dan Pope DPT, OCS, CSCS, CF-L1

Frequently Asked Questions

Is this a physical product or all online?

Can I modify the program if I'm dealing with some sort of long standing injury?

How long do I have access to this training program for?

How much training experience do I need to use this program?

How much does this program cost?

Didn't find the answer you're looking for?