Are Kipping Pull-ups Really That Dangerous? Part 1 – Assessing and Building the Basic Kipping Positions

By djpope

July 17, 2016

bad, damaging, dangerous, injury, kipping, pullup, toes to bar

As you all know I have a great love for speaking and writing about kipping pullups and all things kipping.  I work for a gymnastics continuing education company (powermonkeyfitness), coach adult gymnastics at Crossfit Verve and am a full time physical therapist.  Because of this I have the unique opportunity to see where people get hurt while kipping, rehabilitate them and then allow them to optimize their movement and performance afterwards.  I wanted to share some of this knowledge to you guys in a mega article series I made for

Click HERE for the link to the article

Want to learn more about shoulder injuries as well as how to rehabilitate back from them?  This short video is part of a larger and much more comprehensive educational course and rehabilitation training program on rehabilitation from shoulder injury called “Ultimate Shoulder.”

“Ultimate Shoulder” is a 12 week training program to help you fully understand and rehabilitate back from shoulder injuries:

  • 12 week training program to get out of pain and back to bench press, olympic lifts, handstand pushups, dips, muscle-ups and overhead press
  • How to deal with rotator cuff injuries, labral tears and AC joint problems
  • How shoulders get hurt in the gym and how to prevent future injury
  • How to assess and correct technical and mobility problems in the olympic lifts, muscle-ups and handstands
  • 6.5+ hours of educational webinar footage
  • 100+ rehabilitation, mobility and strength exercise videos
  • 50+ pages of PDF companion content

“Ultimate Shoulder” is now on sale this week only for $29.99 Click HERE to Learn More

Definitely my most comprehensive kipping article to date,